Eval Lab staff member wins data visualization competition
Evaluation Lab News
Posted: Nov 06, 2023 - 12:00am

Charla Orozco, an Evaluation Lab alum and a long time Evaluation Lab staff member, was recognized last week for her outstanding data visualization skills! Charla won first place in UNM’s Iron Viz Games at UNM Health Science’s Tableau Days on October 25 and 26, 2023. Tableau is software used to visualize clinical data, aiding in understanding clinical operations and trends and decision-making. UNMHS’ Tableau Days was stock full of sessions on ways to maximize the software. The Iron Viz competition’s name is inspired by the Iron Chef cooking show and is a data visualization competition. Charla won for her visual on Global Youtube Statistics.
Charla was an Eval Lab Fellow in 2015 and has held many different staff positions since then, including Summer Institute Director and the Eval Lab ECHO Learning Community Coordinator. You can still find her at our Summer Institute as a facilitator and teacher, sharing her knowledge about data visualization!
Check out Charla’s award winning work here.